How Daycares in Brooklyn Are Sharing Parental Responsibility for Better Childcare
In recent years, delivering
quality childcare facilities for infants and toddlers has attracted much
attention, with former U.S. President, Barack Obama also highlighting the
importance of early learning to ensure an all-inclusive development of a child.
The idea of providing accessible daycare
facilities to every child has been validated as a national priority, which is a
result of numerous researches in this field.
Many studies reveal that children
attending quality daycare set-ups of the likes of the Brooklyn daycares get many
immediate as well as long-term benefits. A daycare can influence many aspects
of a child’s development, including memory, language development, school
readiness, math and reading skills, and also cultivate various social skills in
According to the National
Institute of Child’s Health and Human Development, children attending daycares
have better math and reading skills and show less susceptibility towards behavioral
However, many parents are
still facing the dilemma whether to enroll their child in a daycare program or
provide home-based care.
In Brooklyn, many daycare
centers are helping parents out of this dilemma by providing developmental
opportunities to children in a safe and comfortable environment.
Brooklyn-based daycares offer
children the chance to play and learn with other kids that inculcates good
social and communication skills in them from a young age. This is important for
students once they start elementary school. They offer a wide array of toys, games and other play equipment, which allows children
to engage in fun activities with other students.
In Brooklyn, daycares are
required to follow state regulations regarding safety, sanitation, staffing and
space issues to ensure optimum physical development of children.
In fact, a study conducted by
JAMA Pediatrics concludes that children attending quality daycares are less
likely to fall sick in elementary school, compared to children who skipped this
essential stage.
Brooklyn daycares not only play a
significant role in the development of children, but also give respite to
parents in many ways.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics
shows that 66 percent of women with children aged 17 or younger are employed in
full or part time jobs. This indicates that more families in Brooklyn and
elsewhere are exploring childcare options to secure a balance between their
professional and parental responsibilities. Brooklyn daycares provide relief to
such working mothers by offering standard childcare facilities to children.
Parents can be assured that their child is taken care of by trained
teachers in a safe environment.
Daycare centers in Brooklyn follow a structured schedule on a regular basis (regarding pick up and drop off times)
and have a stable arrangement. This cannot be achieved when hiring a nanny for
at-home care.
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