Homework: Too Much of a Good Thing is Bad?

 “Homework is the greatest extinguisher of curiosity we ever invented.”
Alfie Kohn, author, “The Homework Myth”
This won’t come as a surprise to many parents and children but here it is: Some private elementary schools in Brooklyn are employing a no homework policy. According to a new study, abounding homework triggers overabundant stress in a student’s life, eliminating any time for leisure.
Research studies are casting a big doubt on the perennial topic of homework. There are ceaseless ‘expert’ opinions about the benefits and limitations of homework but there is no substantiate research done to prove either side. The foremost experts and researchers support different opinions and facts on the notion that homework precipitates physical and emotional distress. According to Harris Cooper, a renowned homework researcher, no more than two hours of homework a night should be assigned to students. On the other hand, author and researcher Alfie Kohn argues for the benefit of homework in elementary school.
While experts may have divergent points of view about this subject, we should attain to a few questions to solve the ‘puzzle’ –
  • ·        Are students in private elementary schools in Brooklyn enjoying their time spent in doing homework? 
  • ·        Has homework become a “pointless” or “mindless” task just to keep grades up?
There is no denying that homework helps students better ‘learn’ the lessons taught in school and prepare them for tests but we cannot neglect the flip side:
  • §  Students spending more than 3 hours on their homework every day do not have ample time for other endeavors.
  • §  In a research study, 56% of students claimed that homework is the primary cause of their stress.
  • §  More time for homework means less time for sleep which can lead to headaches, exhaustion and stomach problems.
The inability to juggle the overburden of homework isn't beneficial for any child. The good news is,some private elementary schools in Brooklyn, through their enriched developmental programs are fostering their student’s inquisitive nature and passion for learning. Homework should not be ‘the rule’ but the exception because there’s more to life than endless hours of homework.
